Romney to Delaplane Tour / 148romney
Photo by Linda Walcroft
May 2007

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old tombstones
Indian Mound Cemetery, Romney, WV

Romney is in a valley along the South Branch of the Potomac River. Not only did this place it along a route from Maryland to the Shenandoah Valley, it was also near several bridges serving the B&O Railroad. Thus it changed hands many times during the Civil War.

In June 1861, the 11th Indiana under Lew Wallace chased a newly-formed Confederate force from Romney and then returned to Cumberland, Maryland. Before long Romney became the headquarters of a Confederate Cavalry unit under Col. Angus McDonald, who conducted destructive raids on the B&O Railroad. Before the Federals finally drove him out in late October, he made a stand on the high ground of the Indian Mound.

For more details, read Prof. Poland's book The Glories of War.

(For Jackson's 1862 Romney Campaign, see the Hancock to Romney Tour. )
